Active Record 關聯
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CLAUSE_METHODS | = | [:where, :having, :from] |
INVALID_METHODS_FOR_DELETE_ALL | = | [:distinct, :with] |
MULTI_VALUE_METHODS | = | [:includes, :eager_load, :preload, :select, :group, :order, :joins, :left_outer_joins, :references, :extending, :unscope, :optimizer_hints, :annotate, :with] |
SINGLE_VALUE_METHODS | = | [:limit, :offset, :lock, :readonly, :reordering, :strict_loading, :reverse_order, :distinct, :create_with, :skip_query_cache] |
[R] | klass | |
[R] | loaded | |
[R] | loaded? | |
[R] | model | |
[R] | predicate_builder | |
[RW] | skip_preloading_value | |
[R] | table |
new(klass, table: klass.arel_table, predicate_builder: klass.predicate_builder, values: {}) 連結
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 28 def initialize(klass, table: klass.arel_table, predicate_builder: klass.predicate_builder, values: {}) @klass = klass @table = table @values = values @loaded = false @predicate_builder = predicate_builder @delegate_to_klass = false @future_result = nil @records = nil @async = false @none = false end
==(other) 連結
any?(*args) 連結
如果任何記錄存在,則傳回 true。
當提供樣式引數時,此方法會透過大小寫相等運算子 (===
) 檢查 Enumerable
posts.any?(Post) # => true or false
blank?() 連結
如果關聯為空白,則傳回 true。
cache_key(timestamp_column = "updated_at") 連結
傳回一個穩定的快取金鑰,可用於識別此查詢。快取金鑰是使用 SQL 查詢的指紋建立的。
Product.where("name like ?", "%Cosmic Encounter%").cache_key
# => "products/query-1850ab3d302391b85b8693e941286659"
如果 ActiveRecord::Base.collection_cache_versioning
已關閉(就像在 Rails 6.0 和更早版本中一樣),快取金鑰也會包含一個版本。
ActiveRecord::Base.collection_cache_versioning = false
Product.where("name like ?", "%Cosmic Encounter%").cache_key
# => "products/query-1850ab3d302391b85b8693e941286659-1-20150714212553907087000"
Product.where("name like ?", "%Game%").cache_key(:last_reviewed_at)
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 359 def cache_key(timestamp_column = "updated_at") @cache_keys ||= {} @cache_keys[timestamp_column] ||= klass.collection_cache_key(self, timestamp_column) end
cache_key_with_version() 連結
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 438 def cache_key_with_version if version = cache_version "#{cache_key}-#{version}" else cache_key end end
cache_version(timestamp_column = :updated_at) 連結
如果已載入集合,此方法會反覆處理記錄以產生時間戳記,否則會觸發一個 SQL 查詢,如下所示
SELECT COUNT(*), MAX("products"."updated_at") FROM "products" WHERE (name like '%Cosmic Encounter%')
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 386 def cache_version(timestamp_column = :updated_at) if collection_cache_versioning @cache_versions ||= {} @cache_versions[timestamp_column] ||= compute_cache_version(timestamp_column) end end
create(attributes = nil, &block) 連結
預期參數格式與 ActiveRecord::Base.create 相同。
users = User.where(name: 'Oscar')
users.create # => #<User id: 3, name: "Oscar", ...>
users.create(name: 'fxn')
users.create # => #<User id: 4, name: "fxn", ...>
users.create { |user| = 'tenderlove' }
# => #<User id: 5, name: "tenderlove", ...>
users.create(name: nil) # validation on name
# => #<User id: nil, name: nil, ...>
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 98 def create(attributes = nil, &block) if attributes.is_a?(Array) attributes.collect { |attr| create(attr, &block) } else block = current_scope_restoring_block(&block) scoping { _create(attributes, &block) } end end
create!(attributes = nil, &block) 連結
類似於 create
,但會在基本類別上呼叫 create!。如果發生驗證錯誤,會引發例外狀況。
預期參數格式與 ActiveRecord::Base.create! 相同。
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 113 def create!(attributes = nil, &block) if attributes.is_a?(Array) attributes.collect { |attr| create!(attr, &block) } else block = current_scope_restoring_block(&block) scoping { _create!(attributes, &block) } end end
create_or_find_by(屬性, &區塊) 連結
嘗試在資料表中建立一筆具有指定屬性的記錄,該資料表在其一或多個欄位上具有唯一的資料庫約束。如果已存在一行具有其中一個或多個這些唯一約束,則會捕捉到此類插入通常會引發的例外狀況,並使用 find_by! 找到具有這些屬性的現有記錄。
這類似於 find_or_create_by
唯一約束違規可能僅由一個或至少少於所有指定的屬性觸發。這表示後續的 find_by! 可能無法找到相符的記錄,這將引發
例外狀況,而不是具有指定屬性的記錄。 -
中 SELECT -> INSERT 之間的競爭條件,但我們實際上在 INSERT -> SELECT 之間有另一個競爭條件,如果另一個用戶端在兩個陳述之間執行 DELETE,則可能會觸發此條件。但對於大多數應用程式而言,這是一個不太可能發生的條件。 -
主鍵可能會在每次建立時自動遞增,即使失敗也是如此。如果基礎資料表仍停留在 int 類型的主鍵上,這可能會加速用盡整數的問題(注意:自 5.1+ 以來的所有 Rails 應用程式都預設為 bigint,不會出現此問題)。
如果所有指定的屬性都涵蓋在唯一約束中,此方法將傳回一筆記錄(除非觸發 INSERT -> DELETE -> SELECT 競爭條件),但如果嘗試建立並因驗證錯誤而失敗,它將不會持續存在,您會在這種情況下取得 create
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 215 def create_or_find_by(attributes, &block) transaction(requires_new: true) { create(attributes, &block) } rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique if connection.transaction_open? where(attributes).lock.find_by!(attributes) else find_by!(attributes) end end
create_or_find_by!(attributes, &block) 連結
就像 create_or_find_by
,但呼叫 create!,所以如果建立的記錄無效,會引發例外。
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 228 def create_or_find_by!(attributes, &block) transaction(requires_new: true) { create!(attributes, &block) } rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique if connection.transaction_open? where(attributes).lock.find_by!(attributes) else find_by!(attributes) end end
delete_all() 連結
刪除記錄,而不會先實例化記錄,因此不會呼叫 #destroy 方法,也不會呼叫回呼。這是一個單一的 SQL DELETE 陳述式,直接進入資料庫,比 destroy_all
有效率得多。不過要小心關聯,特別是關聯上定義的 :dependent
Post.where(person_id: 5).where(category: ['Something', 'Else']).delete_all
這兩個呼叫都會使用單一的 DELETE 陳述式一次刪除所有受影響的貼文。如果你需要刪除依賴的關聯或呼叫你的 before_*
或 after_destroy
回呼,請改用 destroy_all
會引發 ActiveRecordError
# => ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError: delete_all doesn't support distinct
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 646 def delete_all return 0 if @none invalid_methods = do |method| value = @values[method] method == :distinct ? value : value&.any? end if invalid_methods.any? raise"delete_all doesn't support #{invalid_methods.join(', ')}") end arel = eager_loading? ? apply_join_dependency.arel : build_arel arel.source.left = table group_values_arel_columns = arel_columns(group_values.uniq) having_clause_ast = having_clause.ast unless having_clause.empty? stmt = arel.compile_delete(table[primary_key], having_clause_ast, group_values_arel_columns) klass.connection.delete(stmt, "#{klass} Delete All").tap { reset } end
delete_by(*args) 連結
尋找並刪除所有符合指定條件的記錄。這是 relation.where(condition).delete_all
如果找不到記錄,傳回 0
Person.delete_by(id: 13)
Person.delete_by(name: 'Spartacus', rating: 4)
Person.delete_by("published_at < ?", 2.weeks.ago)
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 689 def delete_by(*args) where(*args).delete_all end
destroy_all() 連結
透過實例化每個記錄並呼叫其 #destroy 方法來刪除記錄。每個物件的回呼都會被執行(包括 :dependent
注意:當你一次移除多個記錄時,實例化、執行回呼和刪除每個記錄可能會很耗時。它會為每個記錄產生至少一個 SQL DELETE
查詢(或更多,以強制你的回呼)。如果你想快速刪除多列,而不考慮它們的關聯或回呼,請改用 delete_all
Person.where(age: 0..18).destroy_all
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 624 def destroy_all records.each(&:destroy).tap { reset } end
destroy_by(*args) 連結
尋找並刪除符合指定條件的所有記錄。這是 relation.where(condition).destroy_all
Person.destroy_by(id: 13)
Person.destroy_by(name: 'Spartacus', rating: 4)
Person.destroy_by("published_at < ?", 2.weeks.ago)
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 676 def destroy_by(*args) where(*args).destroy_all end
eager_loading?() 連結
如果關聯需要急切載入,傳回 true。
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 798 def eager_loading? @should_eager_load ||= eager_load_values.any? || includes_values.any? && (joined_includes_values.any? || references_eager_loaded_tables?) end
empty?() 連結
如果沒有任何記錄,傳回 true。
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 283 def empty? return true if @none if loaded? records.empty? else !exists? end end
encode_with(coder) 連結
序列化關聯物件 Array
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 269 def encode_with(coder) coder.represent_seq(nil, records) end
explain(*options) 連結
對由這個關聯觸發的查詢或查詢執行 EXPLAIN,並傳回結果字串。字串的格式會模仿資料庫 shell 印出的格式。
請參閱 Active Record 查詢介面指南 中的進一步詳細資訊。
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 253 def explain(*options) exec_explain(collecting_queries_for_explain { exec_queries }, options) end
find_or_create_by(屬性, &區塊) 連結
# Find the first user named "Penélope" or create a new one.
User.find_or_create_by(first_name: 'Penélope')
# => #<User id: 1, first_name: "Penélope", last_name: nil>
# Find the first user named "Penélope" or create a new one.
# We already have one so the existing record will be returned.
User.find_or_create_by(first_name: 'Penélope')
# => #<User id: 1, first_name: "Penélope", last_name: nil>
# Find the first user named "Scarlett" or create a new one with
# a particular last name.
User.create_with(last_name: 'Johansson').find_or_create_by(first_name: 'Scarlett')
# => #<User id: 2, first_name: "Scarlett", last_name: "Johansson">
這個方法接受一個區塊,傳遞給 create
# Find the first user named "Scarlett" or create a new one with a
# particular last name.
User.find_or_create_by(first_name: 'Scarlett') do |user|
user.last_name = 'Johansson'
# => #<User id: 2, first_name: "Scarlett", last_name: "Johansson">
這個方法總是會傳回一個記錄,但如果建立嘗試因為驗證錯誤而失敗,它不會被持續,你會得到 create
如果建立因為唯一約束而失敗,這個方法會假設它遇到競爭條件,並會再試一次尋找記錄。如果第二次尋找仍然找不到記錄,因為同時發生 DELETE,它會引發 ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
請注意這個方法不是原子性的,它會先執行 SELECT,如果沒有結果,會嘗試 INSERT。所以如果表格沒有相關的唯一約束,你可能會得到兩個或更多相似的記錄。
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 175 def find_or_create_by(attributes, &block) find_by(attributes) || create_or_find_by(attributes, &block) end
find_or_create_by!(屬性, &區塊) 連結
類似 find_or_create_by
,但呼叫 create!,因此如果建立的記錄無效,會引發例外。
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 182 def find_or_create_by!(attributes, &block) find_by(attributes) || create_or_find_by!(attributes, &block) end
find_or_initialize_by(屬性, &區塊) 連結
類似 find_or_create_by
,但呼叫 new 而不是 create。
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 240 def find_or_initialize_by(attributes, &block) find_by(attributes) || new(attributes, &block) end
initialize_copy(其他) 連結
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 41 def initialize_copy(other) @values = @values.dup reset end
inspect() 連結
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 846 def inspect subject = loaded? ? records : annotate("loading for inspect") entries = subject.take([limit_value, 11].compact.min).map!(&:inspect) entries[10] = "..." if entries.size == 11 "#<#{} [#{entries.join(', ')}]>" end
joined_includes_values() 連結
也標記為預先載入的聯結。在這種情況下,我們應該直接載入它們。請注意,這是一個天真的實作,因為我們可能有代表相同關聯的字串和符號,但無法透過這個匹配。此外,我們可能有部分匹配的巢狀雜湊,例如 { a: :b } & { a: [:b, :c] }
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 808 def joined_includes_values includes_values & joins_values end
load(&block) 連結
Post.where(published: true).load # => #<ActiveRecord::Relation>
原始碼: 顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 740 def load(&block) if !loaded? || scheduled? @records = exec_queries(&block) @loaded = true end self end
load_async() 連結
Post.where(published: true).load_async # => #<ActiveRecord::Relation>
當反覆運算 Relation
請注意,必須設定 config.active_record.async_query_executor,才能實際並行執行查詢。否則,它會預設在前台執行查詢。
如果查詢實際上是在背景中執行的,則 Active Record 記錄會透過在記錄行之前加上 ASYNC
ASYNC Post Load (0.0ms) (db time 2ms) SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" LIMIT 100
原始碼: 顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 711 def load_async return load if !connection.async_enabled? unless loaded? result = exec_main_query(async: connection.current_transaction.closed?) if result.is_a?(Array) @records = result else @future_result = result end @loaded = true end self end
many?() 連結
如果有多個記錄,則傳回 true。
原始碼: 顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 334 def many? return false if @none return super if block_given? return records.many? if loaded? limited_count > 1 end
new(attributes = nil, &block) 連結
預期的參數格式與 相同。
users = User.where(name: 'DHH')
user = # => #<User id: nil, name: "DHH", created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
您也可以將區塊傳遞給 new,並將新記錄作為參數
user = { |user| = 'Oscar' } # => Oscar
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 69 def new(attributes = nil, &block) if attributes.is_a?(Array) attributes.collect { |attr| new(attr, &block) } else block = current_scope_restoring_block(&block) scoping { _new(attributes, &block) } end end
none?(*args) 連結
如果沒有任何記錄,傳回 true。
當提供樣式引數時,此方法會透過大小寫相等運算子 (===
) 檢查 Enumerable
posts.none?(Comment) # => true or false
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 299 def none?(*args) return true if @none return super if args.present? || block_given? empty? end
one?(*args) 連結
如果只有一筆記錄,則傳回 true。
當提供樣式引數時,此方法會透過大小寫相等運算子 (===
) 檢查 Enumerable
中的元素是否符合樣式。 # => true or false
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 325 def one?(*args) return false if @none return super if args.present? || block_given? return if loaded? limited_count == 1 end
pretty_print(pp) 連結
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 824 def pretty_print(pp) subject = loaded? ? records : annotate("loading for pp") entries = subject.take([limit_value, 11].compact.min) entries[10] = "..." if entries.size == 11 pp.pp(entries) end
reload() 連結
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 750 def reload reset load end
reset() 連結
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 755 def reset @future_result&.cancel @future_result = nil @delegate_to_klass = false @to_sql = @arel = @loaded = @should_eager_load = nil @offsets = @take = nil @cache_keys = nil @cache_versions = nil @records = nil self end
scheduled?() 連結
如果關聯已排程在背景執行緒池中,則傳回 true
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 730 def scheduled? !!@future_result end
scope_for_create() 連結
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 791 def scope_for_create hash = where_clause.to_h(klass.table_name, equality_only: true) create_with_value.each { |k, v| hash[k.to_s] = v } unless create_with_value.empty? hash end
scoping(all_queries: nil, &block) 連結
Comment.where(post_id: 1).scoping do
# SELECT "comments".* FROM "comments" WHERE "comments"."post_id" = 1 ORDER BY "comments"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
如果傳遞 all_queries: true
,範圍設定將套用至關聯的所有查詢,包括實例上的 update
和 delete
。一旦 all_queries
設為 true,便無法在巢狀區塊中將其設為 false。
如果您要在執行區塊期間移除所有先前的範圍(包括 default_scope),請檢查 unscoped。
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 460 def scoping(all_queries: nil, &block) registry = klass.scope_registry if global_scope?(registry) && all_queries == false raise ArgumentError, "Scoping is set to apply to all queries and cannot be unset in a nested block." elsif already_in_scope?(registry) yield else _scoping(self, registry, all_queries, &block) end end
size() 連結
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 274 def size if loaded? records.length else count(:all) end end
to_ary() 連結
將關聯物件轉換為 Array
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 258 def to_ary records.dup end
to_sql() 連結
傳回關聯的 SQL 陳述式。
User.where(name: 'Oscar').to_sql
# SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."name" = 'Oscar'
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 771 def to_sql @to_sql ||= if eager_loading? apply_join_dependency do |relation, join_dependency| relation = join_dependency.apply_column_aliases(relation) relation.to_sql end else conn = klass.connection conn.unprepared_statement { conn.to_sql(arel) } end end
touch_all(*names, time: nil) 連結
觸發目前關聯中的所有記錄,將 updated_at
屬性設定為目前時間或指定的時間。它不會實例化所涉及的模型,也不會觸發 Active Record 回呼或驗證。此方法可以傳遞屬性名稱和一個時間參數(選用)。如果傳遞屬性名稱,它們會與 updated_at
# Touch all records
# => "UPDATE \"people\" SET \"updated_at\" = '2018-01-04 22:55:23.132670'"
# Touch multiple records with a custom attribute
# => "UPDATE \"people\" SET \"updated_at\" = '2018-01-04 22:55:23.132670', \"created_at\" = '2018-01-04 22:55:23.132670'"
# Touch multiple records with a specified time
Person.all.touch_all(time:, 5, 16, 0, 0, 0))
# => "UPDATE \"people\" SET \"updated_at\" = '2020-05-16 00:00:00'"
# Touch records with scope
Person.where(name: 'David').touch_all
# => "UPDATE \"people\" SET \"updated_at\" = '2018-01-04 22:55:23.132670' WHERE \"people\".\"name\" = 'David'"
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 604 def touch_all(*names, time: nil) update_all klass.touch_attributes_with_time(*names, time: time) end
update_all(updates) 連結
使用提供的詳細資料更新目前關係中的所有記錄。此方法會建構單一 SQL UPDATE 陳述式,並直接將其傳送至資料庫。它不會實例化相關模型,也不會觸發 Active Record 回呼或驗證。不過,傳遞至 update_all
的值仍會經過 Active Record 的正常類型轉換和序列化。傳回受影響的列數。
注意:由於 Active Record 回呼並未觸發,此方法不會自動更新 updated_at
- 代表 SQL 陳述式 SET 部分的字串、陣列或雜湊。提供的任何字串都會進行類型轉換,除非您使用Arel.sql
# Update all customers with the given attributes
Customer.update_all wants_email: true
# Update all books with 'Rails' in their title
Book.where('title LIKE ?', '%Rails%').update_all(author: 'David')
# Update all books that match conditions, but limit it to 5 ordered by date
Book.where('title LIKE ?', '%Rails%').order(:created_at).limit(5).update_all(author: 'David')
# Update all invoices and set the number column to its id value.
Invoice.update_all('number = id')
# Update all books with 'Rails' in their title
Book.where('title LIKE ?', '%Rails%').update_all(title: Arel.sql("title + ' - volume 1'"))
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 507 def update_all(updates) raise ArgumentError, "Empty list of attributes to change" if updates.blank? return 0 if @none if updates.is_a?(Hash) if klass.locking_enabled? && !updates.key?(klass.locking_column) && !updates.key?(klass.locking_column.to_sym) attr = table[klass.locking_column] updates[] = _increment_attribute(attr) end values = _substitute_values(updates) else values = Arel.sql(klass.sanitize_sql_for_assignment(updates, end arel = eager_loading? ? apply_join_dependency.arel : build_arel arel.source.left = table group_values_arel_columns = arel_columns(group_values.uniq) having_clause_ast = having_clause.ast unless having_clause.empty? stmt = arel.compile_update(values, table[primary_key], having_clause_ast, group_values_arel_columns) klass.connection.update(stmt, "#{klass} Update All").tap { reset } end
update_counters(counters) 連結
,其中包含要更新的欄位名稱(做為金鑰),以及要更新的金額(做為值)。 -
選項 - 更新時觸發時間戳記欄位。 -
如果傳遞屬性名稱,則會與 update_at/on 屬性一起更新。
# For Posts by a given author increment the comment_count by 1.
Post.where(author_id: 1)
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 561 def update_counters(counters) touch = counters.delete(:touch) updates = {} counters.each do |counter_name, value| attr = table[counter_name] updates[] = _increment_attribute(attr, value) end if touch names = touch if touch != true names = Array.wrap(names) options = names.extract_options! touch_updates = klass.touch_attributes_with_time(*names, **options) updates.merge!(touch_updates) unless touch_updates.empty? end update_all updates end
values() 連結
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 838 def values @values.dup end
load_records(records) 連結
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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb, line 887 def load_records(records) @records = records.freeze @loaded = true end