LEADING_BRACKETS_COMPAT | = | defined?(::Rack::RELEASE) && ::Rack::RELEASE.to_s.start_with?("2.") |
[R] | param_depth_limit |
make_default(param_depth_limit) 連結
– 此實作係基於 Rack::QueryParser,版權 © 2007-2021 Leah Neukirchen <leahneukirchen.org/infopage.html>
來源: 顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/http/param_builder.rb, line 9 def self.make_default(param_depth_limit) new param_depth_limit end
new(param_depth_limit) 連結
來源: 顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/http/param_builder.rb, line 15 def initialize(param_depth_limit) @param_depth_limit = param_depth_limit end
from_hash(hash, encoding_template: nil) 連結
來源: 顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/http/param_builder.rb, line 50 def from_hash(hash, encoding_template: nil) # Force encodings from encoding template hash = Request::Utils::CustomParamEncoder.encode_for_template(hash, encoding_template) # Assert valid encoding Request::Utils.check_param_encoding(hash) # Convert hashes to HWIA (or UploadedFile), and deep-munge nils # out of arrays hash = Request::Utils.normalize_encode_params(hash) hash end
from_pairs(pairs, encoding_template: nil) 連結
來源: 顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/http/param_builder.rb, line 34 def from_pairs(pairs, encoding_template: nil) params = make_params pairs.each do |k, v| if Hash === v v = ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile.new(v) end store_nested_param(params, k, v, 0, encoding_template) end params rescue ArgumentError => e raise InvalidParameterError, e.message, e.backtrace end
from_query_string(qs, separator: nil, encoding_template: nil) 連結
來源: 顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/http/param_builder.rb, line 30 def from_query_string(qs, separator: nil, encoding_template: nil) from_pairs QueryParser.each_pair(qs, separator), encoding_template: encoding_template end