Action View 模板
- E
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NONE | = | |
STRICT_LOCALS_REGEX | = | /\#\s+locals:\s+\((.*)\)/ |
[R] | format | |
[RW] | frozen_string_literal | |
[R] | handler | |
[R] | identifier | |
[R] | variable | |
[R] | variant | |
[R] | virtual_path |
mime_types_implementation=(implementation) 連結
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File actionview/lib/action_view/template.rb, line 184 def mime_types_implementation=(implementation) # This method isn't thread-safe, but it's not supposed # to be called after initialization if self::Types != implementation remove_const(:Types) const_set(:Types, implementation) end end
new(source, identifier, handler, locals:, format: nil, variant: nil, virtual_path: nil) 連結
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File actionview/lib/action_view/template.rb, line 199 def initialize(source, identifier, handler, locals:, format: nil, variant: nil, virtual_path: nil) @source = source.dup @identifier = identifier @handler = handler @compiled = false @locals = locals @virtual_path = virtual_path @variable = if @virtual_path base = @virtual_path.end_with?("/") ? "" : ::File.basename(@virtual_path) base =~ /\A_?(.*?)(?:\.\w+)*\z/ $1.to_sym end @format = format @variant = variant @compile_mutex = @strict_locals = NONE @strict_local_keys = nil @type = nil end
encode!() 連結
此方法負責正確設定來源的編碼。在此之前,我們假設來源是二進位制資料。如果沒有提供額外資訊,我們假設編碼與 `Encoding.default_external` 相同。
使用者也可以透過在模板第一行加入註釋(`# encoding: 編碼名稱`)來指定編碼。這適用於任何模板引擎,因為我們會在將來源傳遞給模板引擎之前處理掉編碼註釋,並在其位置留下一行空白行。
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File actionview/lib/action_view/template.rb, line 321 def encode! source = self.source return source unless source.encoding == Encoding::BINARY # Look for # encoding: *. If we find one, we'll encode the # String in that encoding, otherwise, we'll use the # default external encoding. if source.sub!(LEADING_ENCODING_REGEXP, "") encoding = magic_encoding = $1 else encoding = Encoding.default_external end # Tag the source with the default external encoding # or the encoding specified in the file source.force_encoding(encoding) # If the user didn't specify an encoding, and the handler # handles encodings, we simply pass the String as is to # the handler (with the default_external tag) if !magic_encoding && @handler.respond_to?(:handles_encoding?) && @handler.handles_encoding? source # Otherwise, if the String is valid in the encoding, # encode immediately to default_internal. This means # that if a handler doesn't handle encodings, it will # always get Strings in the default_internal elsif source.valid_encoding? source.encode! # Otherwise, since the String is invalid in the encoding # specified, raise an exception else raise, encoding) end end
inspect() 連結
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# File actionview/lib/action_view/template.rb, line 300 def inspect "#<#{} #{short_identifier} locals=#{locals.inspect}>" end
local_assigns 連結
<%= render "application/header", { headline: "Welcome", person: person } %>
您可以在子模板中使用 `local_assigns` 來存取局部變數
local_assigns[:headline] # => "Welcome"
`local_assigns` 中的每個鍵都可用作局部變數
local_assigns[:headline] # => "Welcome"
headline # => "Welcome"
由於 `local_assigns` 是一個 `Hash`,它與 Ruby 3.1 的模式匹配賦值運算符相容
local_assigns => { headline:, **options }
headline # => "Welcome"
options # => {}
local_assigns => { headline: title }
title # => "Welcome"
如果模板引用了未作為 `locals: { ... }` `Hash` 的一部分傳遞到視圖中的變數,模板將引發 `ActionView::Template::Error`
<%# => raises ActionView::Template::Error %>
<% alerts.each do |alert| %>
<p><%= alert %></p>
<% end %>
由於 `local_assigns` 返回一個 `Hash` 實例,您可以有條件地讀取變數,然後在鍵不是 `locals: { ... }` 選項的一部分時回退到預設值
<% local_assigns.fetch(:alerts, []).each do |alert| %>
<p><%= alert %></p>
<% end %>
將 Ruby 3.1 的模式匹配賦值與 +Hash#with_defaults+ 的調用相結合,可以實現緊湊的局部變數賦值
<% local_assigns.with_defaults(alerts: []) => { headline:, alerts: } %>
<h1><%= headline %></h1>
<% alerts.each do |alert| %>
<p><%= alert %></p>
<% end %>
預設情況下,模板將接受任何 `locals` 作為關鍵字參數,並將它們提供給 `local_assigns`。要限制模板將接受的 `local_assigns`,請添加 `locals:` 魔術註釋
<%# locals: (headline:, alerts: []) %>
<h1><%= headline %></h1>
<% alerts.each do |alert| %>
<p><%= alert %></p>
<% end %>
在指南的Action View 概覽中閱讀有關嚴格局部變數的更多資訊。
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File actionview/lib/action_view/template.rb, line 165 eager_autoload do autoload :Error autoload :RawFile autoload :Renderable autoload :Handlers autoload :HTML autoload :Inline autoload :Types autoload :Sources autoload :Text autoload :Types end
locals() 連結
此模板已編譯或將要編譯的局部變數,如果這是嚴格局部變數模板,則為 nil。
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File actionview/lib/action_view/template.rb, line 223 def locals if strict_locals? nil else @locals end end
render(view, locals, buffer = nil, implicit_locals: [], add_to_stack: true, &block) 連結
此方法被檢測為 “!render_template.action_view”。請注意,我們在此檢測中使用感叹號,因為您不想在生產環境中使用它。只有在監聽時才會變慢。
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File actionview/lib/action_view/template.rb, line 271 def render(view, locals, buffer = nil, implicit_locals: [], add_to_stack: true, &block) instrument_render_template do compile!(view) if strict_locals? && @strict_local_keys && !implicit_locals.empty? locals_to_ignore = implicit_locals - @strict_local_keys locals.except!(*locals_to_ignore) end if buffer view._run(method_name, self, locals, buffer, add_to_stack: add_to_stack, has_strict_locals: strict_locals?, &block) nil else result = view._run(method_name, self, locals,, add_to_stack: add_to_stack, has_strict_locals: strict_locals?, &block) result.is_a?(OutputBuffer) ? result.to_s : result end end rescue => e handle_render_error(view, e) end
short_identifier() 連結
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# File actionview/lib/action_view/template.rb, line 296 def short_identifier @short_identifier ||= defined?(Rails.root) ? identifier.delete_prefix("#{Rails.root}/") : identifier end
source() 連結
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# File actionview/lib/action_view/template.rb, line 304 def source @source.to_s end
strict_locals!() 連結
此方法負責將模板標記為具有嚴格的局部變數,這表示模板只能接受魔術註釋中定義的局部變數。例如,如果您的模板接受局部變數 `title` 和 `comment_count`,請將以下內容添加到您的模板檔案中
<%# locals: (title: "Default title", comment_count: 0) %>
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File actionview/lib/action_view/template.rb, line 366 def strict_locals! if @strict_locals == NONE self.source.sub!(STRICT_LOCALS_REGEX, "") @strict_locals = $1 return if @strict_locals.nil? # Magic comment not found @strict_locals = "**nil" if @strict_locals.blank? end @strict_locals end
strict_locals?() 連結
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# File actionview/lib/action_view/template.rb, line 380 def strict_locals? strict_locals! end
supports_streaming?() 連結
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# File actionview/lib/action_view/template.rb, line 261 def supports_streaming? handler.respond_to?(:supports_streaming?) && handler.supports_streaming? end
translate_location(backtrace_location, spot) 連結
將 ErrorHighlight 返回的錯誤位置轉換為模板內正確的來源位置。
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File actionview/lib/action_view/template.rb, line 251 def translate_location(backtrace_location, spot) if handler.respond_to?(:translate_location) handler.translate_location(spot, backtrace_location, encode!) || spot else spot end end
type() 連結
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File actionview/lib/action_view/template.rb, line 292 def type @type ||= Types[format] end
instrument(action, &block) 連結
來源:顯示 | 在 GitHub 上
# File actionview/lib/action_view/template.rb, line 578 def instrument(action, &block) # :doc: ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("#{action}.action_view", instrument_payload, &block) end